Best What Is A JSON Resume? API In Python

Read this article to know more about JSON Resume API and use it like a pro. 
Discovering What Is A JSON Resume API? Why Is It Useful?
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. When you pass the resume to the API, it converts it into a JSON object, with all its information in an organized manner.
It also parses any file type (MS Word, PDF), so you do not have to convert it yourself. In addition, it allows you to generate an unlimited number of resumes with your own parameters. 
As a result, it is an API that allows you to manage large amounts of information without any problem. It is ideal for companies that want to automate the generation of their employees’ resumes. You can also easily find and save profiles on job boards with this API. 

What Is Its Function?

This API offers a great service that allows you to retrieve all the data from the resume in a short time. You will only have to pass the URL of the document and receive a JSON object with all the information in a very short time. 
This is achieved in Python by a function called parsetools.parser(). This parser can parse a variety of programming, markup and data languages such as JSON or XML. There are several parsers that can be used to parse different types of documents, such as LotusNotes documents or PDF files. 
This API is designed specifically for resumes and cover letters, but you can also use it for other types of documents. The API will return all the necessary information so that you can compile your resume in a simple and fast way. 

How To Use This API?

To use this API you must make an account on ZylaAPIHub Marketplace first. After that, subscribe to this API, enter your subscription key, then enter a document URL or parse a document using JSON format. In no time at all, you will have an extensive object full of data about your resume or any other file you enter! 
You have now learned what is an JSON Resume API, and how to use it like a pro! Try it and make sure to let me know how it worked out! 
What Is Python? On ZylaAPIHub Marketplace, You Can Also Find Another High-Quality Python Capabilities:  Weather Forecast API In Python!

Weather Fore

Parse any resume/CV to JSON format with this API. Pass a PDF or MS Word and receive a JSON object with all the parsed data.

You can check Resume to JSON API for free here.

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