Implementing RealTime What Is The Data ScrAPIng Wizard For API

Know your competition better than they know themselves! 

Find out the most popular keywords and search terms that bring potential clients to your website. 
Analyze the keywords of your competitors to find out how they are positioning their products and services. 
Identify keywords and phrases that should be included in your content to boost organic traffic and improve your search engine optimization. 

Identify the phrases that are triggering web page errors on your website. 

Allow you to monitor page changes over time, including page creation, modifications, and deletions. 
Provide insight into signals that search engines employ when evaluating web pages for indexation as well as those they use when determining the authority of a domain. 
Use in-depth analysis of competitor’s organic search traffic to get good keywords for SEO. You can scrape all domains from the search results instead of checking them one by one. 
Use the results in market intelligence reports to quantify organic search activity for competitor analysis, marketing campaign measurement, keyword discovery and demand assessment, competitor intelligence, or simply to satisfy your curiosity. 
To give a little taste of what is possible here are some examples of what we have accomplished with our tools so far: 
1-Obtain all telephone numbers from any website: We scraped a total of 1,000 telephone numbers from a large internet portal using only one API call.2-Obtain email addresses: We were able to extract over 500 email addresses from an internet portal using only one API call3-Obtain business information: we found out what the target company did just by looking at its website and using our API4-Obtain personal information: using only a target domain name, we were able to extract personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses of key target individuals5-Ensure compliance: by being able to simply filter confidential information from target domains6-And so much more: With this API you won´t have to worry about what else you can do with it!We are so certain that you will be pleased with this API that we offer it at no cost for up to 20 queries per month! Whether you require a small number of queries or a substantial amount, we are sure that this API will meet all of your needs. If for some reason this API is not suitable for you, we offer a full refund! That is right! There is no need to worry about being charged if you find that this API is not suitable for
Scrape any webpage you want. Do not worry about captchas!

To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Scraping Wizard and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

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