Quick Guide For Openfigi Exchange Codes API In 2022

We suggest that you start using this tool, especially if you work with companies whose shares are traded on the financial markets, or if you are an economist and want to conduct various studies. In such a way, you will be able to retrieve FIGI codes as well as various data such as the name of the company in which the investment is made or its sector of activity. This can be very useful in getting to know the market and the extent of your investments.
Use OpenFIGI Exchange Codes API to discover records and FIGIs codes from any ISIN code, whether it be from a security or from a company. In addition, you will also have information about that security or about that company, such as its sector of activity and the name of the firm. If you work in a company whose bonds are traded on capital markets, this data may be very useful for you. With this data, you will be able to carry out different studies and analyses about your business and about companies with which you compete for market share.
To be able to use this API, what you need to do is register before using it. On the one hand, this is a very simple process because all you need to do is fill out a short form with some personal data and choose a unique code that will identify each user. On the other hand, however, once registered you can use it every day without limitation of FIGIs codes or financial data.
If you are looking for a simple yet effective solution for retrieving investment data for your website or application, look no further than OpenFIGI Exchange Codes API. This service allows you to retrieve FIGI codes from securities and companies with just a few clicks. You can then use this data to display it on your site in a clear and user-friendly way so that your users will be able to easily navigate your platform.

How Does The FIGI Codes API Work?

Once you have purchased an API subscription, openfigi exchange codes API will provide various endpoints that will allow you to retrieve different types of data. You can retrieve information about exchanges by country using the endpoint FIGI Codes by Country and Exchange Type. Here, exchange types include
Be able to retrieve all the FIGIs codes related to any security based on its ISIN code.

You can check Get FIGIs Numbers by ISIN Codes API for free here.

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