Almost everyone knows it: This useful Windows software is also available for Android

We are of course talking about the clean-up and performance software CCleaner, which was developed by Piriform Software. A must-have for numerous Windows users, as it quickly and reliably unmasks small storage remnants, errors and useless data garbage, differentiates from what is important and helps with deletion without leaving any residue. The effect: the system becomes faster and more storage space is available. But what can the popular tool do on the smartphone?

CCleaner is also available for Android

The application, which is still one of the most popular optimization tools under Windows, is now also available for mobile phones. As an Android app, you can install CCleaner and occasionally give your device a small performance boost. The promise remains unchanged. Above all, that the software exercises restraint when it comes to deleting. This ensures that no system-relevant files disappear.
The former PC optimizer offers these core functions in the Android app, let's call them "the four Bs" for the sake of simplicity:
Cleanup: In just a few steps, you can free your Android device from data garbage and old, unusable files as well as remnants of long-forgotten applications. Acceleration: Due to the lower load, older devices also react much faster again, there is a noticeable performance boost. Liberation: Thanks to CCleaner you can quickly and easily remove installed apps that you no longer need. They will be completely and safely uninstalled. Operation: Just like the popular PC software, the Android version can also be operated very intuitively and every setting can be reached and started with just a few clicks.

Screenshots from the CCleaner Android app

CCleaner with a discount: inside digital readers clean up cheaper
Offer for inside digital readers: You can now download the software onto your mobile phone and use it at a reasonable price. It's free with ads anyway. The CCleaner Professional is available as an annual subscription with more features for currently 7.99 euros, which is already a reduced price.
Now our partner campaign is taking effect: If you take out the annual subscription via this link, you pay significantly less – namely only 3.47 euros for one year of use of the CCleaner app with all premium features and without advertising.

Data leak? Wasn't there something?

The CCleaner software has been part of the portfolio of the internet security company Avast since 2017. Shortly before the takeover, the CCleaner developer made dubious headlines because of a cyber attack on the software's infrastructure. Some said the scale was huge, but in the end – according to CCleaner and Avast in a final statement – only 40 individual desktop devices were affected by the attack. Nonetheless, it is not a glorious book for applications in the security IT area.

→ Reading tip: How to make your Android phone faster

The response was corresponding: the entire server hardware was replaced and carefully checked to rule out recurrences. Since then, no security-critical case of the Avast software CCleaner has been reported.

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